Jeppesen Text Books and Exams
Jeppesen Training CD's
Jeppesen Training DVD's
Jeppesen Training Kits
Jeppesen Avionics Training Courses
Jeppesen Flite Training Guides
Jeppesen Advanced Avionics Handbook
Jeppesen$19.95$16.76The new FAA Advanced Avionics handbook gives aviation users inclusive information regarding the advanced avionics equipment available in aircraft used today. The content covers both VFR and IFR operations in aircraft using integrated “glass... -
Jeppesen Aviation Dictionary
Jeppesen$21.80Over 10,000 definitions! Completely revised to include over 10,000 technical aviation definitions. Excellent reference for both pilots and aviation maintenance technicians. The best way to learn the unique language of aviation. ISBN# 0-88487-318-8. New... -
Jeppesen Aviation Weather Text: 4th Edition
Jeppesen$72.2010001850-004 Jeppesen Aviation Weather Text: 3rd Edition [10001850-004) Softcover. Aviation Weather is designed to help the new student of aviation understand the atmosphere in which he or she operates. It also serves as a valuable reference... -
Jeppesen Commercial Pilot Airman Certification Standards
$9.25The Airman Certification Standards (ACS) provide the aeronautical knowledge, risk management and flight proficiency standards required to pass the practical test for commercial pilot certification in the airplane category, single-engine land and sea; and... -
Jeppesen Commercial Pilot Exam Booklet, New Edition
Jeppesen$13.00OVERVIEW The Commercial Pilot Exams provide the essential testing components required by FAR Part 141. Students take a stage exam after each stage of ground training and the End-of-Course Exam at the completion of the ground training course... -
Jeppesen Commercial Test Guide, 17th edition
Jeppesen$21.40OVERVIEW Helps you understand the learning objectives for the test questions so that you can take the FAA knowledge test with confidence. The test guide contains sample FAA Commercial Pilot test questions, with correct answers, explanations, and study... -
Jeppesen Flight & Ground Instructor Exam Booklet
Jeppesen$18.05The book: 10692817-000 " Flight & Ground Instructor Exams" is a new product that combines the Flight Instructor Stage Exam, Instrument Instructor Stage Exam, Multi-Engine Stage Exam. The Flight and Ground Instructor Exam Booklet is a new... -
Jeppesen Flight Instructor Manual
Jeppesen$72.20The Flight Instructor Manual uses over 1,000 full-color photos and illustrations to help you turn your passion for flying into your profession. The manual presents complete and concise explanations of training techniques that every pilot seeking a basic... -
Jeppesen FliteTraining Commercial Instructor Guide
Jeppesen$75.60Overview This instructor guide delivers a blended learning solution for all stages of Commercial pilot flight and ground training. Use as a complement to online course content while capturing classroom learning with a practical, need-to-know information... -
Jeppesen FliteTraining Commercial Student Guide
Jeppesen$75.60Overview This student guide delivers a blended learning solution for all stages of Commercial pilot flight and ground training. Use as a complement to online course content while capturing classroom learning with a practical, need-to-know information... -
Jeppesen FliteTraining Instrument Instructor Guide
Jeppesen$75.60Overview This instructor guide delivers a blended learning solution for all stages of Instrument pilot flight and ground training. Use as a complement to online course content while capturing classroom learning with a practical, need-to-know information... -
Jeppesen FliteTraining Private Pilot Instructor Guide
Jeppesen$75.60Overview This instructor guide delivers a complete, blended learning solution for all stages of private pilot flight training. Use as a complement to online course content while capturing classroom learning with a practical, need-to-know information... -
Jeppesen FliteTraining Private Pilot Student Pilot Guide
Jeppesen$75.60This instructor guide delivers a blended learning solution for all stages of Commercial pilot flight and ground training. Use as a complement to online course content while capturing classroom learning with a practical, need-to-know information approach... -
Jeppesen GFD Instrument / Commercial Manual, 6th edition
Jeppesen$82.30Your primary source for initial study and review on your journey to an instrument rating or commercial certificate, this textbook combines the most current content with innovative graphics and design elements to make complex subjects easier to understand... -
Jeppesen GFD Private Maneuvers Manual
Jeppesen$22.25The Jeppesen Private Pilot Maneuvers Manual provides step-by-step descriptions and full-colored images to help you visualize and understand the maneuvers that you will be performing in the air. It also includes skill enhancement insets that provide... -
Jeppesen IFR - Part 141 Kit
Jeppesen$323.95Jeppesen Instrument/Commercial Kits developed for the FAR Part 61 and FAR Part 141 training programs are the most complete instrument/commercial training package available. Instrument/Commercial Part 141 Kit is developed for the FAR Part 141 training... -
Jeppesen IFR - Part 61 Kit
Jeppesen$186.25Jeppesen Instrument/Commercial Kits developed for the FAR Part 61 and FAR Part 141 training programs are the most complete instrument/commercial training package available. Instrument/Commercial Part 61 Kit is developed for the FAR Part 61 training... -
Jeppesen Instrument / Commercial Syllabus, 5th edition
Jeppesen$20.55Whether you are seeking an instrument rating, commercial pilot certificate, or both, the Instrument/Commercial Syllabus provides the framework for Part 141 and Part 61 ground and flight training. The syllabus emphasizes the building-block method of... -
Jeppesen Instrument Pilot Exam Booklet, New Edition
Jeppesen$18.05The Instrument Rating Exams provide the essential testing components required by FAR Part 141. Students take a stage exam after each stage of ground training and the End-of-Course Exam at the completion of the ground training course... -
Jeppesen Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards (ACS)
Jeppesen$9.25OVERVIEW The Airman Certification Standards (ACS) provides the aeronautical knowledge, risk management, and flight proficiency standards required to pass the practical test for an instrument rating in the airplane category, single-engine land and... -
Jeppesen Multi Engine Manual (Soft Cover) 10001888-003
Jeppesen$58.80Jeppesen MultEngine GFD Text 10001888-003 The Multi-Engine textbook uses full-color photos and illustrations to provide complete and concise explanations of the advanced concepts and ideas that every pilot seeking a multi-engine rating needs to... -
Jeppesen Multi Engine Syllabus
Jeppesen$21.96$19.70The Multi-Engine Syllabus outlines a course designed to allow either a private or commercial pilot to add an airplane multi-engine land class rating to an existing certificate. The course provides training for multi-engine applicants who don't have an... -
Jeppesen Multi-Engine Exam Booklet
Jeppesen$9.65The Multi-Engine Rating Exam Package is a new product that includes Multi-Engine Stage Exams I, II and III and End Of Course Exam in one single product that helps better prepare students for the FAA Multi-Engine Rating written exam... -
Jeppesen Pilot Training Instructor's Guide
Jeppesen$71.35The book: 10692818-000 " Pilot Training Instructor Guide " is a new product that replaces the Instructor's Guide CD (10002007). The new Pilot Training Instructor's Guide has the following: New updated content to work with the current... -
Jeppesen Pre-Solo Written Exam
Jeppesen$8.40Before you go solo, polish up on FAR-required aeronautical knowledge subject areas. ISBN 9780884874430 -
Jeppesen Private Manual & FAR/AIM Bundle
Jeppesen$82.75Private Manual: The Private Pilot textbook is your primary source for initial study and review on your journey to becoming a private pilot. The intuitive organization and colorful presentation of the manual helps you learn quickly from the start. The... -
Jeppesen Private Pilot Airman Certification Standards
Jeppesen$9.25OVERVIEW The Airman Certification Standards (ACS) provides the aeronautical knowledge, risk management, and flight proficiency standards required to pass the practical test for private pilot certification in the airplane category, single-engine land... -
Jeppesen Private Pilot Exam Booklet (2019)
Jeppesen$18.05The Private Pilot Exam Booklet is a new product that contains all the written exams that are needed to complete the Jeppesen Private Pilot course under 14 CFR Part 141. This booklet combines the Private Pilot Pre-Solo Written Exam, Private Pilot Stage... -
Jeppesen Private Pilot Part 141 Kit
Jeppesen$309.55Private Pilot Part 141 Kit is developed for the FAR Part 141 training programs. This kit contains all the essential training products used to prepare students for the written and practical examinations and the FAR Part 141 tracking and quizzing products... -
Jeppesen Private Pilot Part 61 Kit
Jeppesen$239.35Jeppesen Private Pilot Kits, developed for FAR Part 61 training programs, are the most complete private pilot training packages available. Purchasing a kit is an economical and convenient way to obtain current, comprehensive, and integrated... -
Jeppesen Private Pilot PTS Study Guide
Jeppesen$23.90The innovative Private Pilot FAA Practical Test Study Guide provides guidance for students to pass their practical test with ease. The guide presents the essential information needed to meet the knowledge, risk management, and skill requirements for each... -
Jeppesen Private Pilot Syllabus
Jeppesen$20.55OVERVIEW The Guided Flight Discovery (GFD) Private Pilot Syllabus provides the framework for Part 141 and Part 61 ground and flight training, emphasizing the building-block method of teaching— new material builds on what a student has already... -
Jeppesen Private Pilot Test Guide
Jeppesen$20.55OVERVIEW The Private Pilot Knowledge Test Guide helps you understand the learning objectives for the test questions so that you can take the FAA knowledge test with confidence. This 2024 revision includes updated questions which correspond to each... -
Jeppesen Private Pilot Textbook
Jeppesen$80.60OVERVIEW The latest version of the Guided Flight Discovery (GFD) Private Pilot textbook combines the most up-to-date content with innovative new graphics and design elements that engage students and make complex subjects easier to understand. The... -
Jeppesen Sport Pilot PTS
Jeppesen$8.36The Sport Pilot Practical Test Standards includes FAA sport pilot airplane, gyroplane, glider and sport pilot flight instructor practical test standards. Reprinted from FAA-S-8081-29 with changes 1 and 2. The FAA uses standardized requirements to... -
Jeppesen Textbook - Aviation History
Jeppesen$72.2010001810-002, JS319008 Jeppesen Textbook - Aviation History (SOFTCOVER) The newly revised 2006 edition of Aviation History is an exciting full-color book that gives aviation enthusiasts a unique perspective on international... -
Jeppesesn FliteTraining Instrument Student Guide
Jeppesen$75.60Overview This student guide delivers a blended learning solution for all stages of Instrument pilot flight and ground training. Use as a complement to online course content while capturing classroom learning with a practical, need-to-know information...