

  • 45340
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    6" Safety Wire Twister

    These new pliers are Fast, Positive Locking, and have an Automatic Spin Slide Return. They are an incredibly versatile tool for rapidly and consistently applying safety and locking wire to critical...
  • 45341
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    9" Safety Wire Twister

    These new economy pliers are Fast, Positive Locking, and have an Automatic Spin Slide Return. They are an incredibly versatile tool for rapidly and consistently applying safety and locking wire to...
  • Continental Exhaust Gasket 
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    Continental Exhaust Gasket T-627429

    T627429 exhaust gasket replaces the Continental 627429 and the Airborne 999, and is used on the A65, A75, C85-12, C90 series, E165, E185, E225, O200A,B, O300A,C,D and O470A,E,J.
  • T-646234 valve cover gasket used on the E185 series, E225 series, O470A, E, J, IO470J, K. Other part numbers include 655703 and 532451
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    Continental Rocker Cover T-646234


    T-646234 valve cover gasket used on the E185 series, E225 series, O470A, E, J, IO470J, K. Other part numbers include 655703 and 532451.

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