Cessna 182S / T model fuel strainer seal kit. For fuel strainers found on the new 182 and some new 206 models. See effectivity:
182S s/n 18280001 thru 18280944
182T s/n 18280945 thru...
9851070-2 fuel selector valve kit. This PPFSV1 replaces the worn or leaking seals in the Cessna 9851070-2 selector valve on the Cessna 150, 152, 180,185 and 188 series aircraft.
Cessna 170B stainless fuel tank kit. Replaces worn and rusty screws on the fuel tank on the Cessna 170B. Our PP107 comes with enough screws to replace one tank.
Cessna 170B stainless fuel tank flange kit. Replaces worn and rusty screws on the fuel tank flange on the Cessna 170B. Our PP093 comes with enough screws to replace both tank flanges.